
Three Liderpack Awards for Miralles


The Liderpack Awards are a contest convened annually by Hispack and Graphispack Association, where the best packaging and POS creations are rewarded. This year, in particular, 39 awards have been given to the original and practical solutions of packaging and POS, as well as to 5 works designed by students have been awarded.

Miralles specifically have won 3 awards this year. The highlight was a pack containing a bottle of champagne that when opened it becomes an ice bucket, commissioned by the Mumm brand. The packaging has the characteristics of being resistant to water and ice, without neglecting the elegance and that it should have a curved shape. Our team worked to achieve a moisture-resistant metal finishing, considering creating a carton with folds that allows the packaging to be folded in a box that becomes an ice bucket. All this with the most possible simplicity, without a great number of steps to follow and that did not include any operation of cut.

For Airwick, we created a cabin that retains the smell and with enough space for the consumer to enter and be wrapped in the fragrance. This unusual creation allows an interactive experience that repercute on a positive and permanent remembrance of the product. Finally, for Gallina Blanca we devised a giant display that imitates the brick in both structure and graphic design.

Thanks to these awards, our ice bucket will participate in the WorldStars World Contest.

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After more than 100 years of history, Miralles continues to offer a unique value to our customers, helping them to achieve maximum product and brand attraction at the Point of Sales.

Tel. 93.570.55.50
Pol.Ind Can Prat, 28
08100 Mollet del Vallès
Tel. 91.725.57.78
C. Berlín, 6 (local)
28028 Madrid

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Tel. 93.570.55.50
Pol.Ind Can Prat, 28
08100 Mollet del Vallès
Tel. 91.725.57.78
C. Berlín, 6 (local)
28028 Madrid

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